So there is a game that I just heard from a friend of mine and I went online and first played it myself. It can generate great results with people new people that you have just met. Check it out.... So what is the Cube?
It is basically a game of symbols and questions. Five simple
questions and the accurate and creative interpretation of
symbolic meaning in their answers will enable you to smoothly
lead a woman deeper and deeper into seduction. No Right or Wrong Cube You need to understand that the structure of the cube isn’t as
important as the way the game is played. There is no right or
wrong answers in the Cube. What is important is that you
should be able to think on your feet and come up with
plausible and interesting interpretations to any of the answers
that your target gives.
How It is played
You: have you ever played the Cube. (she is bound to reply in
the negative) … ok, so I will ask you a few simple questions
and once I done I will know all about you. Before we start…
Do you think you have good visualization skills…In other
words are you imaginative?
Her: errr….Yes.
You: Good. Now imagine that you are in a desert. (I prefer
using landscapes with as little distraction as possible like
deserts or snow covered mountains). And in the desert there
is a cube. What is it made of? What size is it? (Optional
Questions: What color is it? Is it hollow or filled? If filled
what is it filled with? Is it lying on the ground or floating in air?)
Next you see a ladder. Where is it in relation to the cube?
How big is it? What is it made of? How many rungs does it
Next you see flowers. How many are there? Where are they
in relation to the cube? What color are they?
Next you see a horse. What does it look like? Where is it in
relation to the cube? Is it wild or tame? Does it have a settle?
What is it doing?
Next you see a storm. How big is it? Is it near or near or far
from the cube? Does it look menacing or mild?
Once you have asked all the questions and probed her for the
answers (you will need to lead her a bit with suggestions.
Don’t let her answer the questions mechanically. I had once
asked a girl what her cube was made of, she instantly replied
ice. Don’t accept such answers) you can tell her the meaning
of the various things saw in her scenery. They are:
Cube = The Self
Ladder = Her Friends
Flowers = Represent the place of children in her life Horse =
Her Ideal Lover
Storm = Her Challenges and Problems
These are some of the interpretations that you can draw from
her answers. I am only providing the basic
interpretation and expect my readers to be flowery in their
speech when they interpret the answers
The Cube itself Tiny cube => The girl feels insignificant or ignored. You can
also interpret her personality as being modest, unassuming
and reserved. Cube resting on the ground => Is realistic in her dreams
and goals - has no flowery flights of fancy. Conversely if her
cube is levitated or flying you can you can describe her as
being a dreamer or an idealist with lofty albeit slightly
unrealistic ambitions. Cube far away in the distance => Feels left behind or
blames life for not treating her with fairness. Cube made of solid material => has a strong, well ground
personality, with pride and lots of self worth. Cube made of gold or other precious material => Egoistic
, thinks she is worth a Queens’s ransom. Cube made of glass or transparent material => Considers
herself chaste and pure THE LADDER: Long, strong ladder with several rungs => She has a big
social circle, and lots of supportive and understanding friends.
You can further interpret her answer by describing her as
having an outgoing amicable personality.
Ladder made of some odd material => Feels that all her
friends and relatives are weird and can’t understand her at all. Ladder with few rungs (but made of solid material) =>
has a close knit social circle Ladder in a less than good condition => Has trouble
trusting her friends or feels that they take undue advantage
of her goodness. Ladder leaning against cube => Thinks of herself as a bit
of martyr or one who always goes out of her way to help her
friends. Ladder on top of cube => Feels oppressed in the company
of her friends. She thinks of them as dominating and
overbearing. Ladder much bigger than cube => feels small and
neglected in her social circle THE FLOWERS:
Number of flowers = Represents the number of children
wants to have. Flowers close to cube => The girl is maternal and protective. Flowers far away => Doesn’t want to have children anytime
soon. Flowers blooming well => Feels that she would be able to
provide her children with great life. Flowers all around/over the cube => Feels scared or
overwhelmed at the prospect of having kids. Beautiful flowers (roses, lilacs etc) => Finds children very
beautiful THE HORSE: Strong, large horse => Wants a strong, protective man Horse close to the cube => Wants her lover to deeply
attached to her both emotionally and physically.
Horse well separated from cube => Is afraid that she
might never be able to attract the right man.
Small, submissive horse => Wants a lover she can dominate
or envisions being (stuck?) with a wimp
Wild horse => Wants to be with a guy with a wild
independent streak (A quintessential bad boy) Horse stomping on the cube => Has been or is afraid of
being used and abused by her lovers. Horse walking away from the cube => Feels abandoned THE STORM:
Storm at a distance/Small storm => Feels fairly secure
at present. No major troubles in her life.
Storm approaching => Is afraid that her life will be soon
be overrun by the unpredictable forces of past karma.
Storm receding => Has recently faced and overcome some
serious difficulties.
Huge malevolent storm hovering over the cube => Feels
her life is in deep shit
Its a pretty cool psychoanalysis game - i think the name for
the type is kokology.